Bankruptcy and restructuring
Bankruptcy and restructuring law involves processes related to financial difficulties experienced by companies and individuals, and legal consequences arising therefrom – specifically, initiation of bankruptcy proceedings, debt restructuring, and receivership and protection of creditor rights. HubLegal’s lawyers help clients in finding the most suitable solutions to restore their financial position and ensure a smooth transition to a new phase of activities.
Our services include:
debt restructuring;
representing interests of creditors, borrowers and other parties in insolvency proceedings;
representing companies that experience insolvency issues and initiating an out-of-court bankruptcy;
administration of legal/natural persons’ bankruptcy and drafting of related procedural documents;
company restructuring and refinancing, both prior to and after institution of bankruptcy proceedings;
consulting to, and representing receivers in bankruptcy;
drawing up statements of claim and lawsuits against insolvent companies;
initiating and administering bankruptcies of natural persons;
dealing with matters of criminal liability of members of legal persons (for example when indications of criminal bankruptcy or fraudulent bookkeeping exist);
due diligence of companies;
defending rights of interested parties and consulting on matters of fraudulent bankruptcy or indemnification.
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