low angle photography of gray building at daytime
low angle photography of gray building at daytime

Data protection (GDPR) and cyber security (TIS 2)

Nowadays, data protection and cyber security are important as never before. Proper supervision over this aspect of the company’s operations ensures both smooth conduct of business and trust by the public. Legal experts assist businesses and other organisations in achieving data protection that is compliant with the law and minimising cyber security risks. We provide consulting on aspects such as risk assessment, cyber security analysis and formulation of security policies.

Our services include:
  • analysing personal data processing by the organisation from the legal standpoint;

  • checking compliance of personal data processing practices with GDPR and TIS 2 (NIS 2);

  • drafting a plan of legal actions, procedures and documents aimed at ensuring compliance with GDPR and TIS 2 (NIS 2);

  • drafting legal documents on data protection that are required for the setting up of an online business;

  • analysing IT cyber security;

  • representing clients in disputes with data subjects and authorities, and resolving disputes;

  • consulting in cases of data security breaches;

  • ongoing legal assistance to ensure that companies can adapt to changes in the national and European regulation of data protection;

  • providing training on data protection and cyber security.