Dispute resolution in courts and by arbitration and risk management
In addition to legal assistance and representation in courts and arbitration, dispute resolution includes support for clients in responding to daily challenges such as conflicts with business partners, property disagreements between shareholders and employment relationship issues. From business disputes to protection of employee rights to cases of various offences, our highly qualified lawyers will help you defend your rights and interests in any situation. They will ensure an effective representation and fairness in complicated legal proceedings, and will help you avoid losses in the long term.
We provide assistance in disputes related to:
representing clients in judicial and arbitration proceedings, both domestic and international, and collaboration with arbitration experts and arbitrators;
relations between shareholders including disagreements between minority and majority shareholders as well as cases of management liability and abuse of trust;
construction and real estate (such as representation of customers, contractors, designers);
creditor interests in bankruptcy proceedings;
financial assistance from national and European Union (EU) structural funds;
performance and breaches of agreements/contracts (such as supply, sale and purchase, lease, financial/operating lease, authorisation, service agreements/contracts) as well as related indemnification;
complaints concerning unauthorised use of confidential information and trade secrets;
unfair competition;
recovery of debts in court;
violations of trademark rights, design rights, copyright or rights to domains;
labour law and migration matters;
violations of privacy, degradation of honour and dignity;
breaches of IT agreements and related indemnification, violations of software licences and copyright;
family law and inheritance cases;
criminal proceedings related to fraud, corruption, and other financial and economic crimes;
administrative offences.
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