Internal audits and legal compliance
Internal audits and compliance are important legal tools to ensure transparent, efficient and compliant operations of a company. Our lawyers who are experienced in this area assist clients in assessing the company’s processes and identifying potential risks, and propose solutions for avoiding non-compliance. We provide consulting on the matters of setting up of internal control systems, carrying out operational audits and ensuring compliance – we work to ensure that your business is both legally safe and efficient.
Our services include:
consulting on matters of compliance and implementation of compliance procedures;
reviewing compliance and internal control systems, and assistance in preparing for an audit;
consulting on legal regulation of money laundering prevention;
consulting on legal regulation of anti-bribery, anti-fraud and anti-corruption activities;
investigating corporate crimes and representing clients in related disputes;
consulting on white-collar and financial crimes and prevention thereof;
consulting on the liability of top management and legal persons;
consulting on public procurement;
assessing and ensuring consumer protection and data/privacy protection;
consulting on liability for product safety;
legal assistance in responding to enquiries from the authorities.
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