IT, intellectual property and software licensing
In the environment of rapidly developing technologies, laws of IT, intellectual property and software licensing has become relevant as never before. It facilitates responding to the challenges related to technology development, lawful use of software and protection of proprietary rights in the digital environment as well as of intellectual property. Our team includes programmers, experts on intellectual property protection and software licensing professionals who have set up a centre of excellence for software licensing, and are willing to share their know-how with clients.
Our services include:
drafting IT agreements;
consulting on artificial intelligence;
implementing EU NIS 2 cybersecurity requirements;
providing training on the use of open-source licences;
preparing software licences and consulting on the use of free and open-source software (FOSS) licences;
analysing mutual and legal compatibility of licences including open-source licences;
consulting on open-source development and commercialisation;
drafting contributor licence agreements (CLA);
consulting on IT inventions patenting;
representing clients in court in proceedings on program code authorship, violations of proprietary rights, liability and other breaches of IT agreements and licences;
technical and financial evaluation of programs;
issuing expert opinions on various matters related to software use including cleanliness of program source code in terms of different licences in use;
consulting on copyright matters;
assisting clients in the resolution of issues with program trademarks;
assisting in the formulation of digital intellectual property protection strategies;
drafting of agreements on intellectual property (e.g. authorship agreements), resolution of related disputes and protection of copyright;
intellectual property audits and risk management;
management of unfair competition;
representing clients in court cases on intellectual property as well as before non-judicial dispute resolution bodies.
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