Life sciences and healthcare
Law of life sciences and healthcare is a rapidly developing field of law that requires in-depth knowledge of both legal acts and innovation in healthcare and biotechnology sectors. Companies operating in this area are responsible for ensuring that their products or services will not only be harmless to public health but will also promote welfare. We provide consulting to pharmaceutical, medical devices production and biotechnology companies as well as healthcare establishments, and help them ensure both legal protection of their operations and their compliance with strict requirements. We also represent clients in coordinating agreements on clinical trials and resolving related ethical issues.
Our services include:
providing consulting on commercial contracts, public procurement and taxes to pharmaceutical and life science businesses;
consulting on regulatory, competition and compliance matters;
consulting on matters related to clinical trials including ethics, licences and permits;
ensuring corruption prevention and fair competition, and representing clients in their legal relations with healthcare professionals and organisations;
drafting of supply and distribution agreements for the pharmaceutical industry;
consulting on regulatory standards for the healthcare and life sciences sector;
consulting on matters related to privacy of patients and scientific research data;
consulting to healthcare and biotechnology companies on intellectual property protection;
providing comprehensive legal assistance to biotechnology and medical start-ups;
consulting on labour law and employment relationships in terms of compliance with regional legislation;
representing clients in judicial disputes in the medical, pharmaceutical and life science areas.
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