Public procurement and related disputes
Procurement law involves legal assistance in public procurement proceedings and disputes arising therefrom. HubLegal’s team provides consulting to all parties to such proceedings – clients from both public and private sectors, policymakers and regulators. We also represent clients in disputes arising from proceedings in order to ensure fair competition and protection of legitimate interests. Such cooperation leads to an efficient resolution of disagreements, and prevents non-transparent actions and decisions in public procurement proceedings.
Our services include:
representation of and legal assistance to suppliers in procurement proceedings;
drawing up of procurement documentation and relevant consulting;
consulting to contracting authorities on drafting of procurement documentation, and conduct of procurement proceedings;
handling of complaints concerning procurement documents, and examining decisions of public procurement commissions and courts;
consulting on performance of, and amendments to, procurements contracts and disputes arising therefrom;
representing clients in disputes over financial adjustments;
representing clients in negotiations and dispute resolution in all stages of procurement proceedings.
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