Transport law
Transport law governs activities of road, rail, air and maritime transport companies and has a direct impact on related businesses (for example, logistics, tourism and parcel delivery). Lawyers experienced in this field accompany their clients in licensing processes and draft agreements, provide consulting on insurance matters and represent clients in disputes. Expert assistance is also needed in cases of accidents or cargo damage or loss. Our team will provide you will full legal assistance needed, ensuring that your operations are smooth and compliant with all legal requirements.
Our services include:
assisting clients in understanding transport legislation and ensuring compliance with this;
drafting agreements/contracts and other documents for transport (including but not limited to maritime transport) and logistic companies;
resolving insurance-related legal issues, assisting in risk assessment and management;
representing clients in negotiations, courts and arbitration, and before the authorities;
consulting on matters such as carriage, maritime trade, custom and logistics;
providing comprehensive legal assistance in public procurement procedures and related disputes;
consulting on legal aspects of construction, planning and land expropriation;
consulting on project financing and state aid;
consulting on the development of important infrastructure projects and public-private partnerships.
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